So I ordered some stuff from Knitpicks the other day :
Two Knitpicks Harmony Circular Needles :

One set of Knitpicks Harmony DPNs :

and three hanks of Knitpicks Palette :
Tidepool Heather:

Iris Heather :

and plain ol' Black :

And I found out that my order shipped today. The shipping time is something like 5-14 business days, but HOLY GOD I want it now.
Basically every day (even before I knew that it'd shipped)I come home and think "WHAT IF BY SOME MIRACLE IT'S HERE???????????" and then I look all around on the porch and stuff because "WHAT IF THE POSTMAN LEFT IT UNDER OR BEHIND SOMETHING???". I've ordered from Knitpicks before and their shipping was REALLY fast. I ordered it like a week or two before I left for Italy and they got it to me RIGHT away.
but yeah anyway the excitement is KILLING ME with joy.
In other mail news, I got some arts in the mail from Savannah yesterday and I pretty much flipped out. It was the commission that I bought a while back and an adorable little coyote charm that was part of our craft trade (I still have to send out my half because I'm a terrible person, haha). So the mail has been really good lately.
Also dogs! There are two foster dogs living with us right now, Andrea (a pitt mix) and Sora (a coyote/husky mix)
Sora looks a little bit evil sometimes, especially when there's some intense camera redeye

But she's really just very tiny and sweet

She's been with our rescue group for a couple of months now, which is REALLY surprising considering how sweet and beautiful she is. Sometimes she can be a bit of a terror, but she's certainly not a bad dog.
We also have Andrea back.

She was adopted by a really nice girl about a week ago and everyone at ARF was SO happy because Andrea's been with our group for almost a year now. She's really timid and shy and she just doesn't really adjust to people very well (as Becky learned). I think the same thing happened with the girl that adopted her - Andrea had a really hard time adjusting and did NOT like the girl's roommate and it was really just a bad situation for the girl to be in, because she loved Andrea so much and was willing to work with her and everything, but the roommate just wasn't having it.
This is why I love that my boyfriend is my roommate, because not only does he like dogs, I can bully him into getting more and more dogs :DD Our limit used to be one but then we pushed it to two and now there's three and there's been some talk of four, muahahahaa.
Also Chimmy says hi :

YAY PICTURE HEAVY POST! Just for good measure, here's one more :

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