Lately I've been wondering what to do with my 4 skeins of Knitpicks Gloss in Burgundy, leftover from when I wanted to knit Clessidra but realized that the cable pattern was NOT what I thought it was. This is another benefit of Ravelry - there are many pictures of finished items knitted with different yarns taken in different lighting. I realized that the cable was not as intricate as I'd thought it was, and it sort of made the pattern loose its appeal.
Soo.. I've been looking for new socks to knit.
Of course, I'm really psyched to knit a bunch of Ballet School Dropouts (I am addicted to Ballet Flats but my feet/shoes often smell TERRIBLE after a day's wear) when my knitpicks order arrives (still
Scherherazade's Slippers:

(Picture by Miriknits on Flickr)
Tell me these are not the most gorgeous socks you've ever seen! They're amazing, and I am filled with an unhealthy lust for them. They're probably WAAAYY outside of my sock skill range (one gifted Hedera, one ill-fitting Monkey), but they're fantastic and gorgeous and I WANT THEM TO BE MINE @_@
Unfortunately, I think I need more socks under my belt (and ones that actually fit) before I run off and try something complicated. When I make the Slippers, I want them to be PERFECTION.
In the meantime, with my stashed yarn, I'm thinking about knitting either Titania's Revenge, the Twisted Flower, or the German Stocking, all by Cookie A. (because she's a genius). I think it's going to be Titania's Revenge, but who knows.
Also, I've been trying to get a head start on Christmas knitting, which I ALWAYS flake out on and have to pull out of my ass at the last moment. Last year, everyone got Quant. My mom got a pair of Fetchings, and my Grandma got the Hederas that I'd been putting off finishing (I didn't like the pattern/colorway about halfway through the second sock). This year... I want to show off.
Specifically, I want to knit my mom and Grandma something amazing. I've narrowed it down to four designs - Juno Regia, Print 'o the Wave, Ene's Scarf and Jeanie - but I'm not sure who would like what more (I hac gud werds lol).
Juno Regia for Mom and Print 'o the Wave for Grandma is the winning combination. They would probably both be knit in something from Knitpicks (because I am ohsovery thrifty and because they make great yarn). My only problem with knitting my mom and grandma something complicated and fantastic is that a) they will probably take forever and b) I have a feeling that my Aunts will be very, very jealous. Maybe I will knit them both some classy gloves and a lacy cowl...
I always get overambitious about Christmas knitting, especially because I usually (at least for the past two years) have stopped knitting in the summer. Something about instant gratification, I guess. Maybe knitting stoles for people other than me will cause me to think more and discipline me a bit. I have a very good feeling that I'm going to be knitting myself the Hanami Stole at some point in the future, but I think I'm going to want to knit something wonderful for my Mom and Grandma before I knit something wonderful for myself.
In other news...
Today was an ARF adoption day! Two dogs were adopted (one a long-term foster, one sweet returned puppy), two volunteers were recruited, and a new foster mom was found. Unfortunately, we've had a lot of dogs returned lately - people don't want puppies after they grow up - which is preventing us from pulling new dogs from PAC (Pima Animal Care). Hopefully we can find both foster and permanent homes for everyone fairly soon.
The Chim was a long-term foster (with terrible Valley Fever) who turned into My Dog Forever (because he's the best ever? yeah, I know). His titer count (an indicator of how bad his Valley Fever is) has been going down ever since he's been with Josh and I. When we first got him, his bones were SO brittle and he had lesions on his joints and his titer count was something like 300. He's been doing great since then - medication for the Fever and for the lesions, and last we checked it was down to around 30. He went to the vet yesterday to get his count checked again, and we're hoping that it will be down below 4 so that he can get his rabies shot (he was too sick to get it when we first got him) and then we can officially adopt him and take him to the dog park!
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